Here's a Continued List of PTSD aspects from the Pandemic:
Respiratory- do any activity and have endurance as if you are in your prime
Relationship- repair maintain and create any relationship naturally and effortlessly
Close proximity- be in a close proximity of people at a gathering completely assured of your well being
Shaking hands - shake hands with people with no hesitation or afterthought and have a confident seamless interaction
Kissing- kiss without concern while fully enjoying the experience
Physical job location- excel at any job location with no stifling mental setbacks
Misdiagnosis experiences - Intuitionally in tune with the root causes of the problem.
Prescriptions for incorrect medication - Through the use of energetic work you are now able to be prescription free and resolve issues without medication.
Making the problem - Instant knowing of root causes the moment a problem arises.
Numbing the pain instead of deleting/ resolving the problem - I feel so confident now that I know that I can find the root causes of any issue.
Difficulty of getting resolutions with little to no side effects - I am so overjoyed that it puts my mind at ease that there are zero side effects when doing the Yuen Method.
Incorrectly/ unnecessary surgery/ medical procedures - Strong and instant intuitional knowing the moment a problem arises.
Financial stability issues - A strengthened currency flow.
Trusting doctors/ lack of trust/ medical industry and other medical practitioners - Having the intuition and instant knowing to trust myself in making medical decisions.
Dependency of medical news/ information/ answers - Dependency on my intuition and instant knowing for answers and information.
General news - Strong and neutral to good news, bad news, old news and new news.
Purchasing unnecessary medication – Walking down the medication aisle and having zero need or interest in purchasing!
Munchausen syndrome/Factitious disorders – Zero desire to feel or pretend to be sick.
Talking triggers and reactions/spreading germs – Spark conversation with anyone at any distance free of fear and apprehension.
Seeing or Hearing sneezing triggers/reactions – No Misinterpretation or criticism of cold or allergy symptoms.
Hyper-Suspicion/Paranoia of Others – A cool and easy going feeling around known and unknown people.
Social Awkwardness – Feeling light, comfortable and graceful in communication.
Lack of Social Participation - To not only being a willing participant, but an Interested participant!
Suicide – Old Thoughts and Emotions replaced with zeal to Live life to the Fullest!
Fear of Dying from Covid 19 – Not only Living, but Thriving as well!
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